
Ted Talks: Gino Bartali's Secret

Hello, this time I would like to talk about a hero whose heroic story has fallen into oblivion. Don't miss the video, because it is worth it.  It's called Gino Bartali's Secret. I'm sure you will like it! Bye.

Film review

  Today, I'm going to talk about my favorite film. In the video you can find a short summary and some curious facts about the movie.  I hope you like it! Bye.

My series TV

  Hello everyone, my name is Mario and today I am going to talk about my favorite series TV. This time, to explain it better I made a video, you have the link just below.  I hope you enjoy it! Bye.

Task- Advertising makes us unhappy?

One day, when we were in class, we had to debate about the statement ‘Advertising makes us unhappy’ with certain stands. We were in groups of 4, and one pair had to be in favour of this statement and the other pair against it, without taking into account our real opinions. But a few weeks later, we joined another group and we discussed it with our real thoughts. Here is the link to watch it: We hope you’ll enjoy it. Bye.

Task- School time

  We read a text in class about the results of exchanging playground time with studying time in the United States. The aim was to improve the academic scores lowering this playground time, but they didn’t get the expected results. On the other hand, we saw in our internships that the class time has been reduced by about one hour per day and the recess time has increased by about five minutes per day compared to when we were studying in primary school. This means that we are in a different situation in Spain than in the USA. Even though students can rest a little more, they study less. As a result of this, we think that there are many possibilities to be less prepared to deal with their problems in the future. For this reason, we believe that school schedules in Spain should change. The main change which we thought is to increase the amount of time that students should be studying in class. We have been in classes which last forty-five minutes, making these too short to teach them somet

Task- Kara: faith or jewellery?

The school where the kid of the image study decided to ban the religious bangle he wears because they considered it as jewellery. This decision would be part of the policies’ school. We suppose that this is a private or semi private school because this measure is within their policies, and we doubt public schools have the power and the guts to discriminate this way. We are against this policy because we think this bracelet doesn’t hurt anyone, but we also believe that these types of schools have the right to decide and apply the rules they want, and the parents have the right to choose whether they want to bring their children there or not. If this were a public school, we wouldn't justify the measure because the owner of this kind of school would be the state, and its duty is improving the life of the people who in theory cares, especially when politicians have a good life thanks to the money they get through taxes. Not doing it would be a lack of respect for us. Our advice to the

Task- Opinion about mass media

  It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but we are going to explain their meaning later just in case. The mass media is an important thing in our lives, whether we like it or not, due to its influence on the people. In our case, we don’t like it, and the main reason is that it is unreliable. We don't know how the mass media were in the past, but now we feel that we are at a point where it is almost impossible to know what is true and what is false. We see that it writes a lot of articles with no evidence or biassed evidence to give a certain message that it can’t be given with all the evidence available. To counter this, Twitter can be a good resource, as we saw during the last years thanks to the new ‘journalists’ who will talk later of, or normal people who share things there with their phones. Neither helps the fact that they change the narrative in function of the government needs, like Winston of ‘ 1984 ’ did when he worked in the Ministry of Truth. One example c

About us

  Hello, my name is Mario Escartín and I’m going to talk about myself.  First of all I have to say that I’m 21 years old and I’m from Barbastro, which is a town near Huesca.  I play football in a Huesca team called Peñas Oscenses and in my free time I like reading because I am a very curious person and I always like to know what is happening in the world. Other hobbies I have are walking around in the countryside, watching Premier League matches and videos on YouTube about politics and science.  On the other hand, I am a very sensitive person who likes to spend time with my family and friends.  Right now I am studying to become a teacher and I combined my studies with being a soccer coach. In the future I would like to have an academy to teach students all types of subjects from literature to science.  Hello, my name is José Ángel, I'm 23 and I'm from Zaragoza. My hobbies are football, watching anime, reading manga, playing video games and listening to music. I use social media

Task- Opinion about a video

After watching the video, the protagonist has made us reflect on social networks and their omnipresence in all areas of life. On the other hand, she says something very interesting: ‘technology is not the problem, we are’. For that reason, we are slowly becoming addicted and this is the nuclear problem of the question, that we have to realize that everything will depend on the use we make of social networks and also teaching the new generations to know how to manage social media. In this way, we will avoid many of the problems of its bad use such as anxiety, isolation, depression, cyberbullying… In the end it all depends on us. We think that she is very right in what she says. For example, she states that 'social media is making us unsocial', which is true because we never before in history have been so connected, however we are more isolated than ever.

Task- Is Instagram the most harmful social network?

The world has changed a lot due to the rise of social media. It has changed so much that it is difficult to imagine a life without them. There are some examples, each one with its own characteristics, but we are going to focus on Instagram and other social media to answer the next question: Is Instagram the most harmful social network? Instagram is one of the most famous social media, with billions of users inside who share photos or videos so others can watch them. We have heard about people who suffer from addiction, cyberbullying, anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, lack of sleep, or FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), but we only saw in our environment a possible example of cyberbullying using fake accounts and photoshop. Also, we want to mention words that we heard around this social media, such as posturing, filter bubbles or distorted photos. We don’t know about people in our environment who are related with this, but we know the idea of filter bubbles due to Twitter. And talking a

Task- Tackle cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is a big problem for a lot of people in this world nowadays. As we share the idea of freedom of speech, we have to focus on a way without adding regulations or censoring social media. For this reason, we want to support victims by encouraging them or searching allies to face their problems caused by cyberbullying and prevent it from talking about how harmful this situation can be before it appears.

Task- Our relationship with social media

Nowadays, people think that living without social media is impossible for many reasons. For example, they would feel that they are not aware of what is happening in the world or they would lose their friends or something catastrophic. The reality is that we are convinced that social media is like a fictitious world that at this moment is causing havoc in the population, above all in the young people who are more vulnerable to the social media tricks. That is why we haven't got social media, because simply it doesn't give us anything valuable, except guarantee entertainment and a lot of distractions. It's demonstrated that people who have social networks develop a strong dependency to them, and they don't really get any benefits. H owever, we believe that not everything is negative because there are places on the internet where you can get information and the freedom of speech still exists. We are talking about YouTube or Twitch, where there are very prepared people who

Task- Emoji missing

  This emoji represents an inhaler, an object whose function is to reduce the harmful effects of asthma. There are many different types of inhalers, so we chose the most known one: the 'Ventolin', also named 'Salbutamol'. The idea arised when we were watching all the emojis of our mobile phone keyboards and saw emojis related to medicine like 💉 or 💊. Then, the asthmatic person of the group suggested drawing an inhaler as he has inside his backpack. We think it should exist because it can be useful in the field of health. Don't forget if someone who suffers from asthma doesn't use it, he or she can end up in the hospital at best. We also thought another emojis missing like hippocampus or Pegasus because they appear in anime series, but these were a little more difficult options to draw.