Task- Is Instagram the most harmful social network?

The world has changed a lot due to the rise of social media. It has changed so much that it is difficult to imagine a life without them. There are some examples, each one with its own characteristics, but we are going to focus on Instagram and other social media to answer the next question: Is Instagram the most harmful social network?

Instagram is one of the most famous social media, with billions of users inside who share photos or videos so others can watch them. We have heard about people who suffer from addiction, cyberbullying, anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, lack of sleep, or FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), but we only saw in our environment a possible example of cyberbullying using fake accounts and photoshop. Also, we want to mention words that we heard around this social media, such as posturing, filter bubbles or distorted photos. We don’t know about people in our environment who are related with this, but we know the idea of filter bubbles due to Twitter.

And talking about Twitter, this is another social media which has its own problems. These can be merged in one concept: toxic community. Some of the people who have a Twitter account are so toxic, that they are able to insult, threaten, report tweets massively to obliterate Twitter to ban accounts they don't like, reveal private data to scare someone they don't like and etcetera. Luckily, we didn't suffer any of these issues, but we saw people on YouTube or Twitch who have received any of them. Also, since Elon Musk bought this social media, there are less people losing their accounts and we know about some examples of people who have recovered them, reducing thus the consequences of this toxic community.

Facebook, for some reason, can be addictive to older people, but we don’t know much about it because this type of information comes from what we see in real life or in streams on Twitch, and these streamers don’t use Facebook. However, one youtuber showed in one video Facebook groups where people met and shared child pornography via Telegram. If memory serves, those groups were banned a few years ago.

Finally, we want to mention Tik tok, one of the latest social media which has appeared in our lives, especially in the life of the young people. The most important ability of this social media is the capability of retaining attention and wasting the time of a great part of their consumers. Unfortunately, we don’t know much more about it.

In conclusion, after checking what we have written before, we think Twitter can be the worst social media and not Instagram.


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